Kyiv aims to tackle climate change with new city environmental department

The Kyiv City State Administration transform its Department of Ecology and Natural Resources into the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change.

The Kyiv City Council supported the relevant decision.

What is the problem?

Global temperatures will likely rise to record levels within the next five years due to greenhouse gases and the natural El Niño phenomenon.

Even before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, Kyiv began working on the Climate Change Adaptation Program, held consultations, and began to develop a document. The work was suspended due to the war.

The program has been renewed because the city "must be ready for the challenges associated with the global climate crisis," said Oleksandr Voznii, head of the updated department.

What is the solution?

The renewed department will continue to perform all the functions of the former administration, but at the same time, "will systematically work with the topic of climate change."

How does it work?

The Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change will:

  • implement state policy in environmental protection;
  • rationally use, reproduce, and protect natural resources (land, surface, and underground water, atmospheric air, forests, animal and plant life),
  • promote environmental security, protected areas, adaptation to climate change, and fulfillment of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change requirements, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement.

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