Ukraїner Media releases a documentary “Units of Victory” to tell stories of elite Ukrainian military brigades

Ukraїner Media created the documentary project "Units of Victory," which tells the stories about the elite units of the Ukrainian army, their achievements, symbols, history of creation, and structure, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

"Amid the Russian-Ukrainian war, the public demand for understanding the history of one's army, its structure, and symbols increased significantly, and respect for defenders began to be articulated much more clearly," says the project's author, Karina Piliuhina.

What is the solution?

Ukraїner launched a project about the history and military operations of the elite units of the Ukrainian army to meet the demand and showcase brave Ukrainian defenders.

"After all, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are dozens of units and hundreds of thousands of soldiers who protect our right to breathe Ukrainian air with their coordinated hard work," Piliuhina said. "Being interested in the life of the army, its battles and heroes, researching and spreading the history of the formation of our Armed Forces is the smallest way to support defenders."

How does it work?

A series of documentary videos will be released weekly on the Ukraїner YouTube channel, and a text version can be read on the website.

The organizers already presented the first series about the 30th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi.

On December 6, 1991, the 30th Guards Tank Division became part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. By October 30, 2003, it was transformed into the 30th Separate Tank Brigade, and on July 30, 2004, into the 30th Separate Mechanized Brigade. The brigade fought heavy battles during the war in Ukraine's east Ukraine in 2014. Since 2018, the brigade has been named after Prince Konstiantyn Ostrozkyi.

Fighters of the 30th mechanized brigade, named after Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi today, are considered the elite of the Ukrainian army. This unit went through the crucible of war in 2014-2015 in the battles for Savur-Mohyla and Debaltseve in the Donetsk region. Since 2022 it has been eliminating the Wagner mercenaries in Bakhmut, the biggest flashpoint on the Ukrainian front line.

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