43 nations paving the way for reparations for Ukraine with new database documenting damages from Russia’s war

Forty-three countries signed an agreement about the registry of damages from Russian aggression at the summit of the Council of Europe in Iceland, paving the way for compensation for Ukraine.

The correspondent of the European Pravda, who got acquainted with the document's content, reported this from Reykjavík.

The agreement, which will be signed as a treaty of the Council of Europe, involves states outside the organization. At the same time, individual members of the Council may also refrain from signing.

As of now, 43 states, including all G7 states (including the US, Canada, and Japan, which are not members of the Council of Europe), have supported or promised to support the establishment of the Ukrainian losses registry, which will be located in The Hague.

There are 46 members of the Council of Europe. Among them are seven member states of the Council of Europe that decided not to join this "anti-Russian" agreement.

The agreement sets to create a database to record evidence of losses or damages caused to the state of Ukraine, individuals, and legal entities due to illegal actions of the Russian Federation, starting on February 24, 2022.

Financial claims of victims to the Russian Federation will also be entered into this database. It is assumed that the agreed and confirmed claims will be implemented later when the international community agrees on the compensation mechanism and its funding sources.

The documents officially signed in Reykjavík refer to this future mechanism, indicating that it has yet to be agreed upon.

Ursula Von der Leyen earlier called on the world to support Zelensky's "peace formula" at the summit in Reykjavik.

In his turn, President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed in his address at the Council of Europe summit in Reykjavik the need to strengthen Ukrainian air defense, particularly at the expense of Western fighter jets.

Iceland, which chairs the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, is organizing a summit of heads of state and government that will bring together 46 member states on May 16-17 in Reykjavík. This is the 4th summit of the Council of Europe since its creation in 1949.

The summit will be dedicated to the core values of the Council of Europe and supporting Ukraine through specific measures to achieve justice for the victims of Russian aggression.

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