Фото: Львівська міська рада
It will be a great place to master or learn new skills for schoolers, Lviv city council says.
What is the problem?
The non-systematic policy of Ukraine in the 1990s and 2000s in the field of military-patriotic education "hybernated" the patriotic consciousness of Ukrainians until the invasion in 2014. Russia took advantage of this and occupied Crimea and part of the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Ukrainians are well aware that issues of patriotism and the desire to defend their country are important components of national security. This is especially relevant now, during the full-scale Russian war in Ukraine.
What is the solution?
Ukrainians decided to open the "Zvytiaga" center for military-patriotic education, sports training, and self-defense for schoolchildren in Lviv.
How does it work?
It was created as a transformer room, which has a medical cabinet, simulators, training weapons and targets, an electronic shooting range, and a lyceum.
Фото: Львівська міська радаAlso, travel equipment for field training was provided for children.
Фото: Львівська міська рада
In the first half of the day, high school students will have practical classes on the subject "Defense of Ukraine." After the lessons, the center will be open to everyone.
Фото: Львівська міська рада
The center conducts classes in shooting and handling weapons, self-defense, and pre-medical training.
Фото: Львівська міська рада
Фото: Львівська міська рада
Ukrainians plan to open 10 such centers in Lviv.
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