13:03 17 May 2023

Poland is ready to continue supplying MiG-29 jets to Ukraine – Duda

Photo: facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces

Acting within the assistance it can provide, the Polish authorities are ready to systematically provide Ukraine with MiG-29 aircraft.

Polish President Andrzej Duda stated this during a conversation with journalists at the Council of Europe Summit in Reykjavik, wPolityce.pl reports.

As the Polish president stressed, his country is among the top three countries (after the USA and Great Britain) that help Ukraine the most.

"We are ready to systematically transfer MiG-29 aircraft. We have initiated a coalition for military support of Ukraine, but with those elements that we can afford," Duda said.

In mid-March, Poland and Slovakia agreed to transfer MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Poland recently announced that it has already handed over 14 MiG-29s to Ukraine. Warsaw has at least 22 such fighters in its Air Force.

In April, Warsaw appealed to Berlin with a request to agree to the supply of Soviet-type MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, which Poland previously received from the GDR's old stocks. Germany quickly agreed to supply.


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