Ukrainian forces advance up to 500 meters in Bakhmut

Ukrainian soldiers have advanced up to 500 meters over the past day in Bakhmut.

Fierce fighting is ongoing in the town itself. Russian army doesn't leave position so easily, Ukraine's commanders report.

Ukrainian forces have liberated 20 square meters of the area, the deputy minister of defense Hanna Maliar says.

Fierce battles are taking place in Bakhmut itself. The enemy is advancing somewhat. Everything that can be done in a military sense in this situation is done. Our fighters are doing it professionally and at the limit of their capabilities, she assured.

The speaker of the Eastern Group of the Armed Forces Serhii Cherevaty reported the Ukrainian military advanced up to 500 m in the Bakhmut direction in a day.

We conduct a successful defensive operation and from time to time attack on the flanks. This day was no exception. The defense forces advanced up to 500 meters in various areas, liberating Ukrainian land, the spokesman emphasized.

There is no "shell hunger" in Russia, but the initiative is gradually passing to Ukrainian forces.

The enemy fired 456 times with various types of artillery, calibers, and rocket systems of salvo fire at the positions of Ukrainian defenders, "thereby confirming that there is no question of any projectile starvation."

According to the speaker, the Russian invaders understand that the initiative is gradually passing to the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

Not having a large number of reserves, not having any advantages in the number of equipment and personnel over the enemy, but we beat him, he emphasized.

Last day, May 16, 55 combat clashes took place in the Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Marinka directions.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces also eliminated more than 600 invaders. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression, the invaders suffered over 200,000 casualties.

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