Rubryka reports, citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
"Today the National Flag of Ukraine is officially raised at the Headquarters of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence in Tallinn, marking official accession of Ukraine to the CCDCOE," the statement reads.
"We thank the CCDCOE Sponsoring Nations for inviting Ukraine and express our special gratitude to the Government of Estonia for their support and assistance on the way to NATO CCDCOE!" the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
At the beginning of March last year, representatives of 27 NATO member states decided to grant Ukraine the status of a NATO CCDCOE member state. Before that, Hungary blocked Ukraine's membership.
Based in Tallinn, CCDCOE is a NATO-accredited cyber security center and think tank specializing in interdisciplinary applied research, analysis, information sharing, and education and training in cyber defense.
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