The Estonian Center for International Cooperation and Development ESTDEV reported this on its Facebook page.
What is the problem?
At the beginning of the invasion, the Russian forces mercilessly shelled the critical infrastructure of the Zhytomyr region, destroying 70 kindergartens and schools. The kindergarten in Ovruch became the first of 15 infrastructure objects that the local military administration submitted an application for reconstruction to the Government of Estonia.
What is the solution?
As Estonian experts assure, modular kindergartens are a new concept of children's institutions that has appeared in recent years.
The main advantage of such kindergartens is their complete adaptability to current conditions, compliance with all-inclusive and energy-saving standards, and, most importantly, durability. The structures are designed for at least 50 years of service.
Such structures are environmentally safe for children and ready for use immediately after installation.
The only thing that will make the kindergarten in Ovruch different from that in Estonia is that the project will also develop the construction of a bomb shelter for children.
How does it work?
"We have a program for using 30 million from Estonia over three years. Estonia has decided to build a kindergarten in Ovruch. This community is located closest to Belarus. The kindergarten is already being actively built, and there are specific dates when it will be ready," said the head of Zhytomyr regional military administration, Vitalii Bunechko, earlier.
At this time, it is known that the modules were designed and built in Estonia in 170 days, after which they were delivered to Ukraine. Foundations, auxiliary premises, and bomb shelters were built with the help of Ukrainian workers on the site.
In the first stage, a room was created for four groups, i.e., 80 children. In the second stage, kindergartens will be expanded by another 80 places.
Also, the kindergarten will be equipped with a kitchen, a dining room, and a large bomb shelter for all preschoolers and staff of the institution.
Currently, the Estonian Center for International Cooperation and Development ESTDEV will handle the furnishing of the facility.
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