Ukrainian human rights defender honored with Voices of Courage Award in New York

The Voices of Courage Award was received by human rights activist and director of the international charity fund Ukrainian Public Health Foundation Halyna Skipalska.

Rubryka informs about this.

The Women's Refugee Commission presents the award to global leaders who demonstrate commitment to upholding justice, gender parity, and the security and rights of refugee women and children.

Halyna Skipalska is an activist, human rights defender, and philanthropist who has been involved in Ukraine's public activities for over 20 years.

Photo: Halyna Skipalska

Skipalska is the director of the healthcare organization HealthRight International (Right to Health) in Ukraine and the executive director of the Ukrainian Public Health Foundation.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Halyna Skipalska has been helping internally displaced women and children and victims of war-related gender-based and sexual violence.

In 2022, the organizations it represents supplied social, psychological, and humanitarian services to a total of over 400,000 women and children.

"I have an ambitious goal – to make Ukraine a better country, a country with zero tolerance for violence against women. I dream of Ukraine, where every woman knows her rights in society and family. Ukraine in which every woman can realize her full potential. Ukraine, where women are healthy and happy," Halyna Skipalska said.

This year's award winners were also:

  • Mahbouba Seraj is the executive director of the Afghan Women's Skills Development Center (AWSDC) and president of the board of the Afghan Women's Network (AWN);
  • the national initiative Welcome.US, aimed at helping those seeking asylum in the United States;
  • Linda Thomas-Greenfield is the US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Photo: Halyna Skipalska

For reference:

It should be noted that Ukrainian human rights defenders received the Sakharov Freedom Prize for documenting the crimes of Russians.

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