Photo; Tank AMX-10RC/Wikipedia
This is stated in the joint declaration of Ukraine and France on the results of the meeting between Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron, which was published by the press service of the Office of the President of Ukraine.
"Military support provided by France since the beginning of the war to enable Ukraine to defend itself will continue, as new military packages are prepared with constant consideration of Ukraine's most pressing and urgent needs to strengthen its defense capabilities.
In the coming weeks, France will train and equip several battalions with dozens of armored vehicles and light tanks, including the AMX-10RC," the statement reads.
In addition, the Office of the President reported that "France has focused its efforts on supporting Ukraine's air defense capabilities in order to protect its population from Russian strikes."
It is also noted that France takes an active part in EU and NATO measures regarding the training of the Ukrainian military.
For reference:
Late in the evening of May 14, Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Paris; the President of Ukraine was met by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, at the Elysee Palace.
Photo: video screenshot
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