Ukraine wins gold at women’s Fencing World Cup

The women's saber fencing team of Ukraine is the winner of the World Cup stage held in Batumi, Georgia.

This start was also the first in the qualifying period for the 2024 Olympics. The Ukrainian team overcame five opponents on the way to victory.

At the 2021 World Team Chess Championship in Batumi, Georgia, the Ukrainian National Team, seeded #15 according to the world rankings, was represented by Olha Kharlan, Alina Komashchuk, Olena Kravatska, and Yulia Bakastova.

Already in the second round (1/8 finals), Ukraine got into the first seeds and leaders of the world ranking, the French team. The Ukrainian women were able to beat the French women with a minimal advantage of one shot, Olha Kharlan's last round was decisive – 8:5 and a 45:44 victory.

On the way to the "gold", Ukraine defeated three more teams from the top 8 of the world ranking: Italy (No. 4), Azerbaijan (No. 7), and the USA (No. 8).

The path of the national team of Ukraine to the "gold" stage of the World Cup in Batumi

Round of 16: victory over Algeria – 45:43

Round of 16: victory over France – 45:44

1/4 finals: victory over Azerbaijan – 45:37

1/2 final: victory over Italy – 45:36

Final: victory over the USA – 45:42

Key moments on Ukraine's path to the "gold" of the World Cup

Olha Kharlan concluded the match against France with a score of 45:44, which was an improvement from the initial 38:40.

In total, Olha scored 21 points in three rounds in that match. The French women eventually finished ninth, that is, they won all their subsequent matches.

Olha Kharlan did not lose a single round in five matches; she scored at least 5 points in each.

In the final, Ukraine won 30:26 after six rounds but then lost 32:35. Everything was turned around by Alina Komashchuk's round, which she won 8:3 – 40:38. In the last round, Olha Kharlan closed the final.

For the first time since January 2016, the women's national team of Ukraine won the stage of the World Cup in saber fencing as a team. Since then, the Ukrainian women reached the finals twice – in November 2016 and May 2019, twice losing to the Italians.

Then in 2016, Ukraine performed in the composition of: Kharlan, Komashchuk, and Kravatska. The only change is Olena Voronina, as Yulia Bakastova performs in her place.

Ukraine is set to spearhead the qualifying selection process for the 2024 Olympic Games in the women's saber team event, which is anticipated to result in an ascent up to eleventh place in the global rankings.

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