Photo: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
On May 14, the occupiers hit Ukraine with Shahed-136 drones, sea-based Kalibr cruise missiles, and X-101/X-555/X-55 missiles from the strategic aircraft.
Ukrainian Air Defense also destroyed 25 enemy UAVs, including 18 Shaheds, one Russian-made Lancet and two Orlan-10, and four unknown drones.
The Air Force Command noted that Ukrainian forces completed nearly 50 missions to strike the enemy's resources and its aviation backup over the past day.
On the evening of May 13, an air raid alarm was issued all over Ukraine. Explosions rang out in the city of Ternopil, which Russians attacked twice. The first strike was reported right at Ukraine's performance in the Eurovision song contest. The second one happened in the early morning.
The mayor of Ternopil, Serhii Nadal, reported a non-residential building catching fire in the city. Rescuers and firefighters arrived at the scene.
Local authorities said that it was already known about two injured civilians. Previously, they had shrapnel wounds and burns. The victims are in hospital.
The missiles also approached the Kyiv region. However, the Air Force shot down all targets.
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