Ukrainian forces are continuing to counterattack near Bakhmut. At the same time, there are unconfirmed claims of further minor gains southwest of the city as of May 13.
ISW had not observed a clear confirmation of these additional achievements southwest or elsewhere in the wider radius of Bakhmut.
Ukraine's Ground Forces Commander Oleksandr Syrskyi said Ukrainian troops were advancing in unidentified areas of the front. The General Staff reported that troops were currently conducting active operations on the Bakhmut front.
Russian sources have circulated footage purporting to show the effects of a recent Ukraine counterattack on Russian positions near Maiorsk (20 km southwest of Bakhmut – ed.) and claiming that occupation forces repelled the attacks.
As ISW states, Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian troops struck rear Russian areas in the Luhansk region with British Storm Shadow cruise missiles on May 12 and 13.
Belarusian President Lukashenko was reportedly hospitalized at a presidential hospital in Minsk on May 13.
Russian authorities continue their efforts to deport Ukrainian children to Russia under the guise of "rest and relaxation" schemes.
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