The leaders discussed defense cooperation and strengthening Ukraine's resources to fight.
I thanked Rishi for significantly strengthening our capabilities with long-range Storm Shadow missiles and for other indispensable military assistance. We discussed further defense cooperation, the president said.
The leaders also coordinated positions before future international events. In particular, Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine needs "clear signals" regarding its accession to NATO.
British defense minister Ben Wallace confirmed the transfer of Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine. Wallace said they would "allow Ukraine to expel Russian forces from Ukrainian sovereign territory." The number of missiles and delivery dates was not specified.
CNN, citing a Western official, reported Ukraine has assured these missiles will be used only within the territory of Ukraine and not for strikes on Russia.
Back in February, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Great Britain would be the first country to provide Ukraine with long-range weapons.
"Leaked" classified Pentagon papers also revealed that London intended to send an unspecified number of Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, along with British personnel to assist in targeting.
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