Ukrainian forces push back Russian troops up to 2 km in Bakhmut

Over the past day, Ukraine's troops ousted Russian forces up to 2 kilometers during effective counterattacks, the spokesman for the Eastern grouping of Ukraine's forces says. 

The Ukrainian Armed Forces see signs of Russian forces' exhaustion on the Bakhmut front.

40 combat engagements occurred here over the past 24 hours, following which 190 enemy soldiers were killed, 244 were injured, and 15 more were captured. Three tanks, an infantry fighting vehicle, three Msta-B howitzers, and five ammunition supply points were destroyed.

This proves that our defensive operation is successful, and the enemy is exhausted and bled out. Wagner PMC has not met a single deadline, and the city of Bakhmut has not been captured, he said. 

What's going on in Bakhmut as of May 12? The blue area shows liberated territories by Ukraine's forces. 

This is not the first time that the Ukrainian command has reported successes in the Bakhmut region in recent days. Thus, on May 10, the Ground forces commander Oleksandr Syrskyi said that in some areas, the Russian forces could not hold back the onslaught of the Ukrainian military and retreated to a distance of up to two kilometers.

The very competent conduct of the defensive operation exhausted the trained forces of the Wagner PMC. They were replaced by less well-prepared units of the Russian reserves, which were defeated and left, he said.

At the same time, the leader of the Wagner PMC, Evgeniy Prigozhin, has been complaining for several days about the lack of ammunition and problems with the flanks, for which the Russian military is responsible.

According to him, there is a "serious risk of encirclement" due to the failure of the flanks, which are already cracking.

Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated the forces stopped the enemy with force majeure and pushed him back in some directions. However, he did not specify exactly which areas the talk is about.

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