Russian forces burnt down 4 mln trees in Ukraine's southern Kinburn Peninsula

Photo: ua
Ecologists recorded 131 fires in the Kinburn Peninsula, located in Ukraine's south, which suffered from Russian occupation.
The fire affected over 5,000 hectares of the territory of the national park. The fires on the peninsula have affected up to 4 million trees.
The majority of the fires had a recurring nature and affected the same area several times.
It will only be possible to calculate the exact damage caused by the fires after this territory is liberated, Ukraine's ecology ministry stated.
Overall, 20% of the natural reserve fund was affected by the war in Ukraine.

Photo: Darkngs/Wikipedia
Our ecology inspectors thoroughly record and calculate all damage to the environment caused by the Russians during the war, so that Russia pays for all its crimes against nature, the ministry added.
The Kinburn Peninsula is called the "diamond" of Ukrainian nature. It is located in Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, currently occupied by Russia.
The two areas of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, the Biloberezhzhia Sviatoslava National Park, the Kinburn Spit Regional Landscape Park, and Yarlytska Zatoka wetlands, are located on the peninsula.
Earlier, the Ministry of Environmental Protection stated that the Russians had caused at least $5,5 billion worth of damage to the environment during the war.