UK military advisor, Ian Stubbs, says Moscow's reprehensible actions in Ukraine corrupt the memory of past sacrifices and Russia's once-proud global reputation.
Over the past week, Russia has again conducted massive missile and UAV strikes against inhabited areas across Ukraine, with minimal regard to discrimination or proportionality.
On Monday, the Ukrainian Red Cross reported that a missile strike completely destroyed 1,000 square metres of humanitarian aid stored in a large warehouse for the Odesa region. Such attacks by Russia seek to punish the Ukrainian people and to spread terror. They are cruel acts of vengeance and a disgraceful manifestation of the failure of the Russian military leadership, the diplomat said.
The Russian leadership's unprovoked, illegal, and senseless invasion of Ukraine, their attacks against innocent civilians and their homes, and their widespread atrocities corrupt the memory of past sacrifices and Russia's once-proud global reputation. These actions are reprehensible and cowardly, he noted.
Europe has terrible memories of the totalitarian regimes of the 1930s and 40s, with their disregard for human life, cultural heritage, territory and sovereignty of smaller states. Moscow's actions now corrupt the memory of all those who fought against tyranny and paid the ultimate sacrifice in the belief that they would save future generations from the scourge of war, Stubbs added.
Russian military recruiters have also been targeting Central Asian migrant workers in Russia to serve in Ukraine. Recruiters have visited mosques and immigration offices to recruit. At immigration offices, staff who speak Tajik and Uzbek routinely attempt to recruit migrants.
Russia must realise that it can never win in Ukraine. If it keeps fighting, it will keep losing. We do not underestimate the continuing threat posed by the Russian Federation but, in time, there will be cause for Ukraine to celebrate, he stressed.
The UK and the international community will remain steadfast in their support. They will stand by Ukraine for however long it takes.
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