German benefactors donated €24,000 to purchase the equipment.
Co-founder of the German charitable organization Save Ukraine e.V. (Weinheim) Klaus Kepert visited the city of Zviagel on May 9 to personally hand over rehabilitation medical equipment to the Zviagel Multidisciplinary Hospital, the authorities reported.
The hospital handed over one of the most modern dynamic simulators for the rehabilitation of the wounded – the DST-8000 beam ladder, worth 24,000 euros. It was purchased within the framework of the project "Save a life. Gehhilfe" ("Save a life. Help to walk"), which was initiated by a lawyer from Bucha, Olga Liabach, who was forced to leave for Germany with her children.
The HuManS charity fund allocated 17,000 euros. Victoria Yost, a citizen of the Rivne region, sent 2,000 euros from the community of Ukrainians in the city of Mainz. The rest of the funds will be provided by the Save Ukraine e.V. team.
The Save Ukraine e.V. charity organization was founded in April 2022 by a group of Germans and Ukrainians. The main field of its activity is the search and transfer of specific medical equipment to medical institutions and medics on the battlefield.
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