This is reported by the AP agency, citing American officials.
As the publication notes, the new aid package will be announced within the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative framework. It provides for the financing of weapons in the perspective of months or even years to ensure the future needs of Ukraine in the security field.
US officials emphasize that the aid package for Ukraine will include the following:
In addition, the Ukrainian Defense Forces will receive the following:
Considering this package, which is the 38th in a row, US military aid to Ukraine from February 2022 will amount to almost 37 billion dollars.
For reference:
It should be noted that the last package of American military aid to Kyiv in the amount of 300 million dollars was announced on May 3 and was allocated by the decree of the President of the United States from the stocks of American weapons.
It contains, among other things, additional ammunition for US-provided HIMARS systems, additional howitzers, artillery and mortar rounds, and anti-tank weapons that Ukraine uses to counter unprovoked Russian aggression.
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