Ukraine’s air defense downs all 35 drones in new Russian night attack

This night, Russian aggressors attacked the territory of Ukraine with 35 kamikaze drones. 

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on Facebook that defenders of the Ukrainian sky destroyed all drones.

"On the night of May 8, 2023, the enemy attacked the territory of Ukraine again, using Iranian attack UAVs of Shahed type. Ukrainian defenders destroyed 35 drones of 35," the statement reads.

Continuing the tactics of terror, the Russian Federation launched 16 rocket attacks on eastern Kharkiv and southern Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions. The General Staff also recorded 61 airstrikes and 52 rounds from multiple-rocket launching systems on the positions of Ukrainian troops and populated areas.

Unfortunately, the strikes killed and injured civilians; a high-rise building, private homes, and other civilian infrastructure were damaged.

"The probability of further Russian missile and air strikes on the entire territory of Ukraine remains high," the General Staff warns.

The Russian aggressors launched a missile strike from strategic aviation planes in Ukraine's southern Odesa region and a drone attack on the capital Kyiv.

As a result of a Russian drone attack on Kyiv, seven cars were damaged, and one more car caught fire, probably due to falling drone debris. A residential building, windows, and facades were damaged. Debris fell on the roadway. Five people were injured, and they received medical assistance.

In Kyiv's Solomianskyi district, a tank (5 tons) was damaged by a diesel fuel leak (without ignition). Fifteen trucks and five cars were damaged in the parking lot. Probably due to the debris, the high-pressure gas pipe was damaged with the subsequent burning of the gas torch, the gas was shut off, and the fire was extinguished.

Information on destruction and victims in all city areas is being clarified.

The South Operational Command reports on Facebook that the Russian forces launched Kh-22 missiles from strategic aircraft in the Odesa region and directed them at the warehouse of one of the food enterprises and at the recreation area on the Black Sea coast.

Rescue services are working to extinguish the fires.

"There was no information about the victims. The information is being clarified," the South Operational Command said.

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