First Deputy Minister of Health Serhii Dubrov said this on the air of Ukraine's national telethon, Ukrinform reports.
"1,433 medical facilities were damaged. If we talk about completely destroyed hospitals, 177 medical facilities have been destroyed since the invasion began," said Dubrov. "We are rebuilding, first of all, those medical facilities that received minor damage, replacing windows, blocks, roofs, and rebuilding those medical institutions that have suffered damage in those places where citizens need urgent medical assistance."
On the other hand, as the deputy minister stressed, the reconstruction of extensive medical facilities that Russia completely destroyed will take a long time.
In areas where medical facilities have been destroyed, particularly in small settlements, emergency medical services and disaster medicine become crucial in providing immediate care and serving as the primary source of medical attention right after de-occupation, so they start working there right away.
"The issue is resolved through temporary solutions: modular health centers or modular hospitals," Dubrov said, adding that with the help of the French government, Ukraine's health ministry also plans to expand the network of mobile hospitals.
In April this year, the Ministers of Health of Ukraine and France signed a declaration on cooperation in health and prevention between the ministries. It was agreed to implement several projects developing the health care system of Ukraine, technical expertise, and exchange of experience.
As per the agreement, the project for the modular reconstruction of hospitals will be implemented. The plan is to construct ten modular hospitals, costing a total of 30 million euros, with the assistance of a state loan provided by the French government.
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