Crimea’s autonomous status could be revoked after liberation from Russian occupation – president’s office

Mykhailo Podoliak, the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, suggested that after the de-occupation of Crimea, its autonomous status will be withdrawn.

UNIAN writes about this.

According to the official, the existence of autonomies within the unitary state is a breeding ground for separatist sentiments.

"Obviously, having received autonomy, you subconsciously consider yourself better than other regions in some way. For a unitary state, autonomy is a dangerous path; it is a path to conflict at the regional level," he emphasized.

Podoliak added that Ukraine also has ethnic minorities whose rights must be respected. In this context, he mentioned the Crimean Tatars, who "deserve the sympathy" of Ukrainians.

The Presidential Office's representative asserted the necessity of producing a highcaliber cultural product to facilitate the Ukrainization of Crimea, which should be attractive to an international audience.

For reference:

At the beginning of April, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [the Ukrainian government] approved a new version of the action plan to implement the Strategy for the De-occupation and Reintegration of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Anatolii Stelmakh, Deputy Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, stated that security, demilitarization of Russian military bases, prosecution of traitors, restoration of authorities, ensuring information security are the first steps of Ukraine in Crimea after the liberation of the peninsula.

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