Reports that the NGO PISLAZAVTRA is implementing the project with the financial support of the European Union.
What is the problem?
85% of Ukrainian teenagers want to develop inclusive thinking and behavior through comprehensive explanations, games, quizzes, and videos at school and home. This was shown by a survey of 1,059 teenagers from 25 cities in Ukraine conducted by the Biasless team (NGO PISLAZAVTRA) in August 2022. 40% of the surveyed teenagers said that they feel the desire and passion to start acting as local gender promoters/activists.
What is the solution?
In response to the request of Ukrainian teenagers within the program "EU for gender equality: together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence," financed by the European Union and implemented jointly by the UN Women in Ukraine and UNFPA, chatbot NoMoreGringe.Powerbank was developed in Ukraine, which tells teenagers about stereotypes related to gender, discrimination, equality, and more.
#nomoregringe is a neologism derived from the slang word "Cringe" — a feeling of embarrassment, as well as the letter "G" from the word "gender." Grunge is the shame and embarrassment you feel when someone practices or voices gender stereotypes.
How does it work?
The NoMoreGringe.Powerbank interactive game guide helps teenagers acquire gender knowledge in a game format and is available 24/7. After signing up, users will receive four daily notifications: a message, a microgame, a video, and a thank you gif as a reward for their efforts.
The training course on gender literacy lasts 21 days and daily motivates teenagers to expand their range of knowledge in the field of diversity and inclusion, explains how tolerant attitudes are formed, and demonstrates ways to prevent bullying, discrimination, and other forms of violence and toxic behavior and language.
The chat is available in six languages:
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