Worldwide campaign of Ukrainian communities #UnitedWeWin calls to stop Russia’s genocide in Ukraine

On Saturday, May 6, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the global campaign #UnitedWeWin, was launched.

Rubryka reports that it is dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

What is the problem?

Today, Ukraine, in the coalition of partner states, opposes the criminal regime of Putin's Russia, which is committing genocide in Ukraine.

Genocide is one of the most severe crimes against humanity, the extermination of certain groups of the population based on racial, national, ethnic, or religious grounds, as well as the deliberate creation of living conditions designed to wholly or partially destroy these groups, as well as measures to prevent childbearing in their environment.

What is the solution?

The #UnitedWeWin global campaign was launched on May 6. The main message of this campaign is that the whole world should unite and strengthen support for Ukraine for victory over the modern version of Nazism — rushism or Russian fascism.

How does it work?

Ukrainian communities aim to remind the world that the crimes of Nazism must not be repeated.

The participants of the actions plan to hold rallies in well-known locations of their cities and express their gratitude to the countries that support Ukraine in its struggle for life, independence, and territorial integrity.

In addition, the demonstrators will call on the democratic world to pay attention to the crimes of genocide and other war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine and condemn and punish the war criminals.

Activists will also urge to sign the petition #unrussiaUN "Get Russia out of the UN!" A terrorist state has no right to be a member of the Security Council of the United Nations, especially since Russia systematically abuses its right of veto. This must be stopped by reforming the UN Security Council and amending the UN Charter.

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