Ukraine’s intelligence chief: Russian army capable of defending itself, but not ready for large-scale offensive

The Russian army has no potential to attempt a large-scale offensive in any region of Ukraine.

The head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, is sure of this, stating this in an interview with YahooNews.

"As of now, Russia does not have the military, economic, or political potential to attempt a large-scale offensive anywhere in Ukraine," the head of Ukrainian intelligence emphasized.

At the same time, as Budanov notes, the aggressor state Russia is still capable of conducting serious defensive operations, which is "a problem that Ukraine will have to face."

Budanov also reported that the Russian Federation is trying to accumulate a particular stock of missiles to disrupt the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

In addition, journalists asked Budanov to comment on Russia's accusations regarding "terrorist attacks" and the death of the daughter of Russian ideologist Oleksandr Dugin.

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate rejected the accusations of the Russian security forces.

"Do not continue this topic. All I will comment on is that we killed Russians and will kill Russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of Ukraine," he said.

For reference:

It should be noted that Russia has accused the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, of the explosions on the Crimean Bridge that occurred in October 2022. The Lefortiv Court of Moscow arrested Budanov in absentia and accused him of "terrorism."

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