Serhii Kruk, head of the State Emergency Service, reports that the rescuers were demining the de-occupied area.
"Today, the State Emergency Service lost a part of its family," Kruk said on Facebook. "While carrying out demining tasks in the Kherson region, our mine sappers came under artillery fire. Six of our specialists were killed. Two more, one of them a female paramedic, were injured and are currently hospitalized. The equipment was destroyed."
Russian forces have regularly shelled the right-bank part of the Kherson region since the Ukrainian armed forces liberated it after a nine-month Russian occupation. Now it is under the control of the Ukrainian authorities.
Earlier this week, on May 3, Russian troops shelled Kherson and other populated areas of the region. In particular, Russian forces attacked the Epicenter hypermarket and the railway station in Kherson. The village of Stepanivka, 10 kilometers from the regional center, was also shelled.
According to the latest data, 23 people were killed, and another 48 were injured from these strikes.
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