Berlin court allows Ukrainian flags to be flown on May 8 and 9, Russian flags denied permission

The Berlin Administrative Court allowed the display of Ukrainian flags at Soviet memorials in the districts of Treptow, Tiergarten and Schönholzer Heide, although earlier the police of the German capital had prohibited it.

As the Berlin broadcaster rbb writes, referring to information from the Ukrainian organization "Viche", which contested the ban.

In the court decision, which is at the disposal of the rbb, it is said that the decision of the Berlin police to ban the flags of Russia and Ukraine is "obviously illegal". Because it did not provide "any evidence that public safety is at risk."

Viche's lawyer Patrick Heinemann emphasized in the rbb comment that the administrative court of Berlin confirmed the legal position of the Ukrainian community.

"The ban on Ukrainian flags is – according to the court – obviously illegal. Anyone who exercises their fundamental right to publicly declare support for the Ukrainian people and their historical victims in the victory over National Socialism does not pose a threat to public safety," he explained.

The Berlin police can still appeal the decision of the Administrative Court to the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg.

It was announced on Friday, April 5, that the Berlin police have forbidden the displaying of both Russian and Ukrainian flags near Soviet monuments on May 8 and 9, in addition to playing marching music to ensure "a dignified commemoration of the fallen soldiers of the Soviet army at that time."

The police also banned "exclamations that, given the current situation, may justify, glorify or glorify the war in Ukraine."

The court's decision applies only to Ukrainian flags and military music – Russian flags remain banned.

For reference:

A similar ban on flags already existed last year. At that time, it caused a lot of criticism from the Ukrainian side, in particular from the then ambassador of Ukraine to Germany Andrii Melnyk.

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