22:10 04 May 2023

Ukraine's digital ministry has trained 10,000 drone operators as part of "Army of Drones" initiative

Over the year, the "United 24" fundraising platform raised $325 million.

10,000 UAV operators have already been trained as part of the "Army of Drones" project in Ukraine, the state's digital ministry reports.

People from 110 countries worldwide have so far supported this initiative. The project is actively developing.

We are done with the regular fundraisal, but there will be new collections for UAVs, the minister Mykhailo Fedorov said.

The "Army of Drones" project includes both the launch of unmanned attack companies – with the goal of launching 60 such companies – and the transformation of the doctrine of the use of UAVs, the deputy prime minister added.

We recently finished the first part of the UAV pilot training project, 10 thousand pilots were trained during this time. The "Army of Drones" is the comprehensive development of the field of UAVs both from the point of view of production and from the point of view of their application, the minister emphasized.

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