Zelensky: Ukraine will receive jets after first success in counteroffensive

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is confident that the Western allies will send fighter jets to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

He said this during a press conference with the President of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, in Helsinki, the European Pravda reports.

"Why do I believe that we will have jets? Because soon, we will have offensive actions. After them, I'm sure they will give us jets," the Ukrainian president said.

As Ukraine's leader emphasized, partners deliver weapons after the successful actions of the Ukrainian military on the battlefield.

In his turn, Niinisto explained that Finland could not hand over its Hornet fighter jets to Ukraine until it received a new replacement for them.

Zelensky began his visit to Finland with a meeting with President Sauli Niinisto. The Ukrainian president noted that defense against Russian aggression was the key topic of the negotiations with the Finnish leader today.

"We also discussed the next European Union sanctions package against Russia for terror and compliance with existing sanctions, which Russia is constantly trying to circumvent," Zelensky said. "We must all remember: the harder we pressure the aggressor, the sooner the aggression will end. I believe that this year will be decisive for our victory."

On Wednesday, May 3, Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Finland with an unexpected visit to participate in the Nordic-Ukrainian leaders' summit and several bilateral meetings.

Earlier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, stated that sooner or later, the Western allies will decide to provide Ukraine with Western F-16 fighter jets, as was the case with other types of weapons.

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