The Embassy of Canada in Ukraine reports this.
"Canada handed over the first batch of demining equipment with a total cost of 22.5 million Canadian dollars to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine," the message reads.
The Embassy further noted that the equipment would be utilized to clear agricultural land, aiding productivity recovery and contributing to the re-establishment of food security.
For reference:
Amid a full–scale war taking place in Ukraine, Canada has provided a significant amount of support to the war-torn country. Canada's total commitments amount to 3.791 billion euros (€), ranking sixth among all countries in terms of absolute support and 0.248% of its gross domestic product (GDP), putting it at 15th overall.
Much of this support has been in the form of humanitarian aid, with Canada providing 0.352 billion €, eighth among all countries, and 0.023% of its GDP, twelfth overall.
Furthermore, Canada has provided 2.059 billion € in financial assistance, ranking fourth in absolute commitment and eighth in its share of GDP. The Canadian government has also offered military aid of 1.381 billion €, ranking sixth in total commitment but twentieth in terms of its share of GDP.
This underscores the Canadian government's loyalty to providing as much support as possible to Ukraine during its time of need.
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