The State Border Service reported this on Telegram.
Thus, during the attempts of the Russian infantry to take positions closer to the defense line, the border guards forced the invaders to retreat in a shooting battle.
In the neighboring quarter, using small arms and grenade launchers, defenders repelled an attack by Russians on a stronghold of the border guards.
"The small arms and grenade launchers of our defenders forced the occupiers to retreat with losses," the State Border Service noted.
In another sector of the defense of Bakhmut, border guards shot down two Russian drones.
As reported, the Russian army continues to conduct offensive operations on the Bakhmut front. Fighting in the city of Bakhmut continues.
For reference:
In May 2022, the small Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, was thrust into the frontlines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia made Bakhmut its main offensive effort through August 2022.
By December that same year, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky declared the city "burned ruins." In a report by the UK Ministry of Defense, it was stated that the capture of Bakhmut would have limited operational value. However, it could threaten Kramatorsk and Sloviansk's larger urban areas.
Russians have not taken Bakhmut but are still pressing their attack, hoping to encircle the city.
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