Solution to win: Ukrainian intelligence starts using crowdfunded kamikaze drone fleet on the battlefield

Ukraine's intelligence has created its own flotilla of kamikaze drones, which are already destroying Russian equipment.

What is the problem?

In the war against Russia, drones of various directions and qualifications play an important role. Ukrainians actively help to purchase them and collect funds for this since the defenders need thousands of drones to fight against the Russian aggressor effectively.

What is the solution?

In January 2023, the special intelligence unit "Kryla" ("Wings") announced the creation of its own FPV flotilla of kamikaze drones.

How does it work?

The intelligence says that, as of now, it is possible to observe the results of the pilots' work via numerous videos.

One of the recordings shows the destruction of a Russian armored vehicle, which was hidden in a position in one of the front's directions.

As noted by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ukrainians have the opportunity to observe the "burning results" of the work of the department's new strike unit.

"We are destroying the invaders and liberating our land," the message says.

The intelligence scouts have mastered the Black Hawk helicopter and are using it in combat operations.

The Russian army is suffering colossal losses in the war against Ukraine. Every day, the ranks of the "two hundred" are replenished by several hundred fighters, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment.

Over the past day, May 1, Ukrainian defenders eliminated 460 Russian fighters. As for losses since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russia has lost 191,420 occupiers.

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