What is the problem?
Over 4.5 thousand hectares of forests were damaged by illegal amber mining in the state forest fund of the Rivne region. They are located on the territory of Sarnenska, Rafalivska, Vysotska, and Klesivska settlements.
What is the solution?
"This is a good example of a business that has all the permits and documents, pays taxes, and creates new jobs, also taking care of the environment together with caring people," local authorities say.
How does it work?
Forest areas in the Rivne region, which were damaged due to illegal amber mining, will be restored in the near future.
Currently, specialists conduct detailed monitoring of the damaged areas, which belong to the state land fund. They study the condition of each area and coordinate information on the boundaries of the areas for which special permits have been issued for legal amber mining.
There are areas where it is possible to conduct soil mineralization and afforestation. There are also territories where the depth of soil damage is quite significant, and equipment will not be able to work there.
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