Danish instructors train Ukrainian soldiers in Britain to seize and secure positions

Under the leadership of Danish instructors, Ukrainian servicemen are trained in positional warfare in Great Britain: they practice the actions of preparing, capturing, and holding a position.

The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces reported that on Facebook.

"Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Denmark are conducting classes as part of the basic combined military training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Great Britain, in order to teach positional combat operations, including preparation, capturing and holding a position, movement in battle in various ways, the order of actions during a maneuver and transitioning from the temporary to the main firing position," the message reads.

Photo: Facebook / General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces

Furthermore, the General Staff stated that this training allows personnel to gain proficiency in combat skills, thereby enhancing the security and operational capability of the Ukrainian army and equipping them with the requisite tactical knowledge for the defense of Ukraine.

Photo: Facebook / General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces

"Under the guidance of the instructors of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Denmark, the recruits of Ukraine's armed forces have become more prepared for combat conditions," the General Staff added.

Photo: Facebook / General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces

It should be noted that the Kingdom of Denmark continues to support the people of Ukraine and provides constant support in response to ongoing violations of international law by Russia.

Photo: Facebook / General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces

A contingent of servicemen from the Danish Armed Forces joined the partner countries in the training program for Ukrainian recruits, arriving in Great Britain in 2023.

For reference:

It should be noted that in Great Britain, instructors of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Sweden train Ukrainian military organizations to conduct hostilities in urban areas.

Moreover, in Poland, a detachment of Canadian sapper-instructors within the framework of the UNIFIER operation is training servicepersons of Ukraine's armed forces in mine safety.


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