Фото: ukraine.unfpa.org
The survey was conducted by Cedos think tank and Info Sapiens research agency, supported by UNFPA, UNDP, Ukraine's Ministry of Sport and funded by Danish MFA
The survey showed that as a result of the full-scale war, some had to limit their usual activities, while others had to abandon them completely.
At the same time, young people consolidated and began to actively volunteer, collect and deliver humanitarian aid, help the military, IDPs, and join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
82% of young people mentioned losses due to the war. However, the share of youth volunteering increased from 20% to 42%.
The share of those who do not want to leave Ukraine increased from 49% in 2021 to 66% in 2022.
The vast majority of young people (72%) say they are ready to join the restoration campaign in their community.
However, only 1% confirmed that they are already doing it. 76% of young people who went abroad due to the war plan to return to Ukraine.
The results of the study reflect not only statistical data, but also personal stories of young people, their impressions and thoughts about the war.
The research findings can be useful for the development of programs and projects aimed at supporting youth in Ukraine.
As part of the study, in-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted among youth aged 14 to 35 in the territory controlled by Ukraine, and youth who went abroad due to the full-scale war.
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