The first lady announced this on Telegram.
The topics discussed included the peculiarities of reconstructing cities according to the philosophy of barrier–freeness, restoring human capital, and fostering personal and public emotional stability.
"It is very important to share a vision of our future. If we feel the same way, then we will rebuild the country with common values – human and humanistic," Zelenska said.
She emphasized that the victory of Ukraine will mean not only the return to the borders of 1991, but also the restoration of justice, bringing to justice all those guilty of aggression and war crimes against Ukrainians.
"It will take more than one – many days. And all of them will be important," the first lady emphasized.
Zelenska discussed with the students of the Ukrainian School of Political Studies the topic of leadership during the war.
For reference:
The Ukrainian School of Political Studies is a political education project launched by the Laboratory of Legislative Initiatives and the Council of Europe in 2005.
The institution has already produced more than 500 leaders in various fields.
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