The General Staff of the Ukrainian army announced this on Facebook.
"As the war with Russia continues, Ukrainian military and civilians face explosive threats on the battlefield. A Canadian combat mine squad under the command of Lt. Jacques is helping Ukraine address the mine threat on the battlefield as part of the Canadian Armed Forces' UNIFIER training operation, during which a team of Canadian combat sappers in the Republic of Poland teaches the Ukrainian military many skills necessary for survival and endurance," the General Staff noted.
It is strongly emphasized that Canadian service members have been deployed to the territory of Poland to utilize their expertise to provide training to Ukrainian defenders and ensure their operational capabilities.
For reference:
UNIFIER operation is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) military training mission launched in 2015 in response to a request from the Ukrainian government to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
As part of the UNIFIER operation, Canadian service members helped more than 35,000 Ukrainian soldiers receive modern combat training.
After the start of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, Canadian instructors left the territory of Ukraine. Still, within a few months, training was resumed in Great Britain and Poland.
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