08:52 28 Apr 2023

Russian missile kills seven civilians in strike on residential building in Uman

A Russian missile has hit a residential building in Uman, a town near Kyiv, in a overnight attack. Seven people were killed, and 17 more were injured. 

The occupiers attacked Cherkasy Oblast this morning. We have two strikes of cruise missiles in Uman: a residential building and a storage point, local authorities report.

The State Emergency Service, police and medics are working at the scene of a strike at a residential building in Uman.

Ракетний удар по Умані пошкодив близько 10 багатоквартирних будинків. Під завалами залишаються люди.


Ракетний удар по Умані пошкодив близько 10 багатоквартирних будинків. Під завалами залишаються люди.

On April 28, Russian forces launched a full-scale missile attack on Ukraine, hitting at least three towns. Casualties are reported at all sights.

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