The Deputy Director of the Department of Economic Development of the Lviv City Council, Oleksandra Sladkova, reported this.
What is the problem?
The most heavily trafficked streets need trees primarily for the comfort of pedestrians.
What is the solution?
The first 36 saplings were planted on Svobody Avenue in accordance with the architecture of the avenue, taking into consideration decorative form and view points for sightseeing purposes.
How does it work?
Oleksandra Sladkova also commented that, due to the dense network of nets, the holes were not able to be placed too close to the edge of the sidewalk.
To make up for this, the district administration was proposed to install trunk lattices.
It has been reported that these trees will be planted on Franka, Shukhevycha and Horodotskaya streets, as well as Shevchenko Avenue in the autumn.
Overall, more than 250 maples, ash trees, sycamores, and other resilient species of trees are planned to be planted in Lviv.
Trees are called "climatic" because they work to adapt the city to climate change. Such trees have to withstand climate change, so species resistant to prolonged heat, drought, or heavy rainfall were chosen for planting.
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