16:10 27 Apr 2023

Ukraine's Brave1 initiative unveils torpedo drones to strike Russia's Black Sea Fleet

Фото: "Мілітарний"

At Ukraine's military Brave1 exhibition, one of the prototypes of unmanned underwater torpedoes was presented. At the moment, several models of such drones are being developed in Ukraine.

What is the problem?

In 2022, the British Ministry of Defense announced the delivery of 6 autonomous underwater drones for the search and disposal of Russian mines. Dozens of sailors of the Ukrainian Navy will learn to operate these machines."

This was done in order to secure the so-called "grain corridor" because Russia attempted to pressure Ukraine and other countries by blackmailing to destroy Ukrainian agriculture and block the country's Black Sea ports to prevent the export of grain.

The Ukrainian military cannot attack the Russian fleet by ground means because, for this, the missiles have to cover a long distance. Ukraine lacks such weapons, so the defenders really need underwater UAVs.

What is the solution?

The new torpedo is more of a loitering munition type.  The torpedo is called the Toloka. It could prove to be a torpedo with comparative flexibility. Toloka's flexibility will be due to "thrusters that are mounted at the end of each horizontal stabilizer." These thrusters are used for both propulsion and steering.

How does it work?

The new Ukrainian torpedo has a tubular body, a large keel, and the already mentioned horizontal stabilizers. Toloka has a communication mast equipped with a camera. It is this mast that may not allow the torpedo to sink but to float on the surface of the water.

підводні торпеди

Photo: Militarny

Such types of weapons are difficult to detect by the enemy. Mostly due to the fact that they are above the water surface or underwater weapon systems.

The American military experts suggest that the explosive is actually in that part of the torpedo that is under the water.

підводні торпеди

Фото: "Мілітарний"

The range of this underwater drone should be 2,000 kilometers, and it will be able to carry 5,000 kilos of explosives.

Brave1 is an initiative of Ukraine's government. The idea of the people behind the project is to promote innovative solutions and proposals for new weapon technologies that can serve the Ukrainian army. Anyone can give their idea by registering and sending their proposal through the initiative's website.

The platform is a suitable place to share a variety of ideas from around the world. In this way, access is gained to experiences that the Ukrainian forces have not had until now. The exchange of experience is also one of the advantages of the initiative.


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