Rubryka reports, citing the statement of the deputy chair of the Ukrainian parliament's committee on economic development, Dmytro Kysilevskyi.
According to reports, the companies Cherkasy Bus, Imax Auto, Crane Ukraine, and dozens of their contractors are involved in implementing the project.
"In this way, the efficiency was multiplied by three. First, the State Emergency Service is getting new equipment. Second, employees of Ukrainian industrial enterprises have jobs and salaries. Third, taxes will be paid to the state budget from the sale of equipment," Kisylevskyi wrote.
Rubryka reported that Japan handed Ukraine equipment to construct a waste management site. Japan and UNDP also handed over eight pyrotechnic vehicles to Ukrainian sappers.
To date, Japan has contributed $600 million in financial assistance and $200 million in emergency humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Japan has also supported Ukraine in restoring critical infrastructure, including generators, and has offered visa extensions to Ukrainian residents in Japan. Japan has also provided refuge to approximately 2,000 refugees, facilitated the transportation and distribution of Ukrainian wheat, and even airlifted humanitarian relief items dispatched by the United Nations.
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