Four vessels are not allowed to leave their Black Sea ports, Ukraine's Armed Forces report. Chartered by the UN World Food Program to deliver wheat to Ethiopia, they have been unable to leave the Chornomorsk, Odesa, and Pivdennyi ports and have to wait more time for their passage to be approved.
False information has been spreading about the alleged ban on the movement of merchant ships to and from the ports of Greater Odesa by the Ukrainian Navy as part of the grain initiative.
This information is absolutely untrue, forces said.
We emphasise that Ukraine is strictly fulfilling all its obligations under the Black Sea Grain Initiative and is making every effort to maintain and expand the export of grain and related food cargo by sea in the interests of our country, the statement said.
According to the UN, 28.9 million tons of agricultural products were shipped from Ukrainian ports to Africa, Asia, and Europe via the grain corridor, including 14.5 million tons of corn, 7.9 million tons of wheat, and 1.5 million tons of sunflower oil.
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