He invited Italian partners and entrepreneurs to join it during an online speech at the Conference on the Restoration of Ukraine.
This year, we must do everything to prepare the largest economic project of our time in Europe — the project of rebuilding Ukraine, Zelensky said.
Since the Second World War, Europe has not seen such colossal destruction as Russia is currently doing in Ukraine.
At the same time, the head of state emphasized that it was after the Second World War that Europe saw the growth that reconstruction brings.
We are now on the eve of no fewer opportunities, the president stressed.
In the war that broke out, the world understood what is needed for the real protection of each nation, how it is necessary to change energy and infrastructure, production and logistics, cyber systems and educational space, the defense industry, and equipping the army.
Zelensky named five directions in the framework of the reconstruction of Ukraine, which foreign partners and businesses can join.
Everything must be done now so that the enemy does not even have a theoretical opportunity to break the Ukrainian energy industry, Zelensky adds.
He invited Italian companies to develop Ukrainian green transformation systems.
The President also noted that Ukrainians have enormous needs for the reconstruction of thousands of houses, hundreds of schools, hospitals, transport, and industrial infrastructure "on a new security basis, which should become typical for other countries."
He called Italian allies to participate in the development of digital technologies, the defense industry, pharmaceuticals, rehabilitation, "green" metallurgy, etc.
I invite you, Italy, to build a new security together with us, I invite your businesses, your investments, your experience to come to Ukraine right now, he said.
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