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Daria Herasymchuk, the authorized adviser to the President of Ukraine on children's rights, stated this on the air of the telethon, Espresso reports.
Herasymchuk explained that with the help of forced "medical examinations," the occupiers selected the healthiest children to replenish their nation.
At the same time, they later get "strange and terrible diagnoses," after which they are offered treatment on the Russian Federation's territory.
"Russians abduct Ukrainian children in completely different ways. The issue of "treatment" is more likely not a method of abduction but a method of selecting children to replenish the Russian nation…
Where the Russians are taking the Ukrainian children is also unclear to the end. We have a study by the Yale Laboratory of Humanitarian Studies, which has already identified more than 70 Russian camps where Ukrainian children are held.
Although they are constantly being moved, the situation is similar to other children abducted by the Russian authorities. They are doing everything so we don't find them," Darya Herasymchuk stressed.
At the same time, Russians commit the crime of deportation under the guise of "good intentions."
"But this is very far from something good for our children. What the children say when they return is horrifying. They try to break them completely. They do everything to make the child hate their own parents. They impose on the children the idea that their parents and relatives do not need them anymore," the commissioner said.
In particular, she claimed that the "Children of War" portal currently contains data on 19,393 children deported to the Russian Federation. Still, in reality, the Russian invaders could have deported about 200,000-300,000 people.
"It does not mean that this is the final list… We are actually talking about several hundred thousand abducted children; it is 200-300 thousand," the representative of the President of Ukraine on children's rights explained.
It is worth noting that minor Ukrainians deported from temporarily occupied territories to Russia are subjected to physical and psychological punishments. The reason for the "educational work" is the refusal to perform the words of the national anthem of the Russian Federation and the mention that they are citizens of Ukraine.
It should be noted that the Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchuk, appealed to Russians who adopt Ukrainian children who were forcibly taken to the territory of the Russian Federation. She emphasized that all "adoptive parents" and "guardians" will sooner or later be held accountable for what they have done.
And the Russian authorities announced their intention to send 26,000 children living in the occupied territories of Ukraine "on vacation." Six thousand of them are planned to be taken to the Russian Federation.
The corresponding statement was made on April 19 by Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation for Social Policy, who is under international sanctions. She reported that 20,000 Ukrainian children from the captured territories, which Moscow calls "new regions," will be able to rest in the summer in "local institutions."
For reference:
Since the commencement of Russia's full–scale aggression, the Russian military forces have been abducting Ukrainian children and forcibly transferring them to Russia and the territories temporarily occupied by them.
The National Resistance Center of Ukraine has compiled a map of camps to which the children are being resettled, based on data from open sources. The geography of these camps reflects that the abductions are part of a systematic and pre–planned process. As reported by the National Resistance Center, orphans, children from boarding schools and orphanages with relatives in Ukraine, and children of parents who did not pass the screening or filtration by Russian forces are among those taken to the camps, where they are subjected to a program of ideological programming, involving teaching Russian history and a distorted interpretation of the war in Ukraine, as well as the Russian national anthem.
Forty-five children's camps and 12 military camps are drawn on the map, where some children are taken for military training. In addition, the Russian forces have threatened to take children to Russia in case of refusal of "passportization" in the occupied Tokmak in the southeastern Zaporizhzhia region.
According to United Nations investigators, more than 16,000 children are estimated to have been transferred to Russia or Russia-controlled areas, constituting a war crime. Estimates of the number of children involved range from 16,000 to over 300,000.
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