Ukrainian Bookshelf project brings Ukrainian authors to 170 locations in 37 countries

The international Books without borders project is already implemented in 37 countries, having about 44,000 books on 170 shelves, Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska says.

The First Lady said that due to the Russian war, Ukrainian books are suffering, just like people.

For example, at the London Book Fair, which just took place in Great Britain, we showed furniture and things from destroyed libraries. The attitude towards culture most clearly shows the essence of the aggressor, Zelenska reports on the social media.

The First Lady also reported that Ukraine continues to deliver sets of the highest quality Ukrainian publications to libraries around the world.

And here is the replenishment on our map. The first shelf has been opened in the National Library of Armenia, the library of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia, the Capital Library of Hungary, the Maribor Library of Slovenia. The second has already appeared in Cyprus, in the library of the Municipal Museum, she emphasized.

As the first lady notes, 50 Ukrainian books were added to the library of the city of Linkoping in Sweden.

In total, we already have 170 shelves in 37 countries – that's about 44,000 books. I thank our embassies, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ukrainian Institute of Books. We are grateful to the "Kyiv School of Economics" Charitable Fund for the transfer of 4,000 books to 22 embassies for support project,  Zelenska said.

Olena Zelenska noted that she personally supports the representation of Ukraine at international book fairs.

In particular, she took part in the Frankfurt Book Fair last year and delivered a video address to the participants of this year's London Book Fair.

"Let's support our books so that they support us," summed up the President's wife.

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