Ukraine requests demining equipment from G7 members

Ukraine requests special equipment and international assistance to speed up demining campaign.

This is necessary for the demining of agricultural lands, in particular, in the southern regions of Ukraine, the state's ministry of agriculture says.

As for now, 470,000 hectares of agricultural lands are mined in Ukraine. So far, specialists have examined only 17.5% of mined territories, of which 57 thousand hectares are agricultural.

The demining process of the liberated territories does not stop. But this process is complicated and will stretch for decades. Today, more than 2,600 sappers from state and private structures carry out demining in Ukraine, the ministry said.

With such capacity, Ukraine will need more than 20 years to clear agricultural land only.

The ministry stressed Ukraine urgently needs special equipment to speed up demining. A deminer manually clears 15-20 square meters a day, and demining equipment – 6 square kilometers (at the same time, maximum safety for the deminers is maintained).

We have an urgent need for technical equipment for demining. We understand exactly what kind of equipment it is and how much it is needed. Here we hope for your help, the minister Mykola Solsky noted during the meeting with G7 members.

Solsky said that international support will speed up the demining process and save the lives of Ukrainians who are forced to take risks every day.

There are brave farmers, who do not wait until it is their turn to demine. Some demine the fields by themselves, using metal detectors, at their own peril and risk, the official said.

He emphasized that Russian aggression also caused problems with exports and logistics, led to rising prices, farmers' lack of working capital and inability to pay loans, and loss of equipment.

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