Finland will provide defense aid in the total amount of 78 million euros for the training of Ukrainian defenders.
The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Finland reports this.
What is the problem?
On February 24, 2022, an open military attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine began.
What is the solution?
Ukraine is fighting to protect democracy and generally accepted human values in the world, as well as its sovereignty and territorial integrity, so different countries help it.
So far, Finland has announced a €78 million defense aid package to Ukraine.
How does it work?
This is a joint project of the EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine).
The goal of this project is the basic and specialized training of 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Training takes place in Poland.
"Ukraine needs various types of support. We participate in the EU training mission, training Ukrainian soldiers and having the necessary material assistance," Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen said.
For operational reasons and to ensure the safe delivery of assistance, no additional information about the specific content, delivery method, or schedule of assistance is provided.
The additional aid takes into account both the needs of Ukraine and the resource situation of the Finnish Defense Forces.
It should be noted that Latvia sends all its Stinger complexes to Ukraine.
Also, Portugal is handing over 5 emergency and rescue armored vehicles to Ukraine.
For reference:
This is already the fifteenth shipment of defense aid from Finland to Ukraine. According to estimates, replacing the defense equipment included in the supply will cost Finland 78 million euros.
In general, the value of all packages of defense equipment that Finland sent to Ukraine is about 990 million euros.
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