Solution to win: Ukraine launches anti-drone guns production

In Mukachevo, the Zakarpattia region, Ukrainians launched the production of C-Vog guns, which are supposed to counter enemy drones.

Ukrainian defenders are already knocking down Iranian Shahed drones with them, reports.

What is the problem?

Increasingly, the Russian army is attacking border regions with Iranian-made kamikaze drones. Ukrainian defenders have learned to shoot them down but often have to waste expensive anti-aircraft missiles.

There is a cheaper and more effective way to down Shaheds – using anti-drone guns. However, there are not enough for the entire front line.

What is the solution?

In the western city of Mukachevo, a local activist and deputy Serhii Gerasimenko initiated a project to manufacture anti-drone guns.

He, like hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, watched the news every day and thought – "how can I help?".

"Since the beginning of the war, the Facebook news feed has been flooded with numerous videos of the use of civilian UAVs not only for aerial reconnaissance but also for causing losses to personnel and equipment," the activist says.

One day, Serhii obtained that gun. At that moment, in fact, it was the only option for big money (over $13,000).

How does it work?

Having disassembled the circuitry and laid out everything on the shelves, the activist found out that the total price tag of all components, excluding the case, in general barely reached the figure of 2000 dollars. Although the manufacturer asked for 12-13 thousand dollars.

Serhii's gun has two functional switches:

GPS: stops the communication of the drone with satellites, and it automatically flies to the starting point. If one can hear it moving away, it means it's someone else's, and Ukrainian side turns on the 2.4/5.8 toggle switch, and the drone is gone from sight. If it flies in the Ukrainian direction, then it is theirs, and they let it go. Thus, "friendly fire" is excluded.

2.4/5.8 — the drone loses contact with the base and satellites and makes an emergency landing straight down.

Currently, two types of anti-drone guns are being manufactured.

Photo: Anti-drone Ukraine

Photo: Anti-drone Ukraine

Photo: Anti-drone Ukraine

In March, the manufacturer announced that it plans to create a single model of an anti-drone gun – C-Vog Plus.

"C-Vog Plus is 4 bands (+1), 60W power (against 30W for C-vog), twice as much autonomy (10Ah battery versus 4.5-6Ah in the previous ones), antennas with greater amplification, a port for an external battery with a selection switch and many smaller modifications," said Serhii about his product.

Photo: Anti-drone Ukraine

Currently, more than 100 units of such complexes have already been handed over to the military.

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