Russian forces strike Ukraine’s Chernihiv region, killing one, injuring two civilians

Russian invaders have struck the border area of Chernihiv Oblast using mortars twice since the beginning of the day.

The attack resulted in injuries and a casualty, local authorities report. 

Russian troops have struck the border area of Chernihiv Oblast twice using mortars as of 12:00 [on 20 April – ed.]. There are injuries and a fatality, the statement says.

Between 10:40 and 11:00, 2 hits, presumably from a 120mm mortar, were reported in the area of the settlement of Hremiachka. There were no reports of casualties among the local population or damage to civilian infrastructure.

Between 11:00 and 11:15, 4 hits, presumably from a 120mm mortar, were reported in settlement of Halahanivka. There were no reports of damage to civilian infrastructure.

Three local residents have been injured in the attack. One of them sustained shrapnel injuries to the head. The woman died in hospital, authorities added.

On April 20, Russian aggressors attacked Vuhledar in the Donetsk region, hitting a residential high-rise: the entire entrance was destroyed.

The Russian military struck the village of Kizomys in the Kherson region on the afternoon of 20 April, killing one person. They fired a total of 298 projectiles in the region over the course of the past day, wounding six people.

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