Фото: командувач Сухопутних військ ЗСУ Олександр Сирський (Телеграм)
Over the past day, Ukrainian forces destroyed hundreds of military personnel and two enemy UAVs: Zala and Orlan-10, the Ground Forces Commander, Oleksandr Syrsky, reports.
Bakhmut direction remains the epicenter of the Russian offensive. The enemy concentrates the largest number of his forces in Bakhmut and dreams of completely taking the city under his control. However, the Defense Forces hold back the enemy's onslaught in dynamic battles, inflicting significant losses on him, he said.
As Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Maliar, says, Bakhmut has already become the most expensive operation for the Russians. There they suffer the greatest losses in both equipment and manpower.
Bakhmut is withstanding, the Commander assured.
Russians have thrown all their forces to take control of Bakhmut. They cannot succeed in street battles with Ukrainian forces, which is why they have resorted to proven Syrian tactics and are effectively wiping buildings off the face of the earth. The Ukrainian defense ministry, however, admits a slight advance of enemy forces in Bakhmut.
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